What does Looma Mean?

"to create" & "to make"

– a perfect reflection of what we’re all about. The "Ma" in LooMa represents Motherhood, and for me has been the ultimate journey so far. At Looma, we’re here to celebrate the journey and perhaps make it a little easier by creating products for babies, children, and families that are as practical and purposeful as they are stylish. The name also refers to loom – weaving.

So there it is, Looma is a playful connection to our signature terry towelling fabric, creating quality products and sharing goods, bads and in betweens of parenthood.

Shop Our latest

Seashells Luxe Range

We are the Home of the Full Length Towel Bib

Our full-length towel bib is the first of its kind, sure you've seen dribble bibs (guarantee they aren't as long as ours), and maybe you've seen silicone smocks (it takes silicone 50-500 to break down!), but our towel bibs are designed to keep your little one clean and comfortable during mealtime, arts, or play while being a more considered choice for the environment.


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